Sunday, January 9, 2011

Thoughts From a Tangled and Anxious Mind

Importance:  the quality or state of being important; consequence; significance of something or someone to another.

Are you important?  Of course you are, but are you important to who you want to be important to?  Not only are you important, but are your feelings being put into consideration and are they held with high importance?  I don't mean to just anyone, but to the people who you consider highly important to you.  What if you don't feel important to the people who you find extremely important?  It's almost considered a lost cause, because with this, you're holding this persons 'significance' on the highest pedestal, but in return, you may be considered 'just another person'. 

Actions:  Something done or preformed; an 'act' of kindness; deeds, and how you show (an) emotion(s).

Our actions are what we are held liable for; or for what we are held liable for not doing.  Your actions, how ever you control them, will show the amount of importance you hold for a single being.  Whether they are positive or negative, you and your actions will effect someone or something in some way.  Your actions, if not using them with the right amount of respect needed, and deserved, the "thing(s)" you should find highly important will most likely be lost.  (surprisingly enough, what you are risking to lose most likely finds you very important to them.

Respect:  The condition of being esteemed or honored; to care for someone is to respect them.  Related words: Pride; Proud.

When someone is important to you, you show them this with your actions and through your actions, you show respect.  Something is not important to you if you do not respect it, and this is easily seen through your actions and through acts of kindness.  There are different kinds of respect...but they all have a common purpose:  to honor and take pride in the things or people (person) you love.  It's not respect when someone can't take another persons thoughts and feelings into consideration, in fact, it's very disrespectful to not do this when they're trusting you and letting you in.  When you respect someone, you stand right next to them, proud as ever, even if you don't agree with what they are doing.  You support them, through and through.  I also believe that respect is shown through equality and fairness.  With that said, I mean that if you are expecting someone to hold nothing back from you, have absolutely no barriers in communication and expect to know every personal detail about them, then you should allow that person the same advantage.  I honestly feel very disrespected when I spill my heart out to someone who is highly important to me and I know that in return, I'm not being told something.  Whether it be big or small, personal to you or general information about you, relevant or's my (or your) right to know everything about you (me). 

With all of this said, with my thoughts and opinions put out on the table, this is how I feel a relationship should function.  (and only one of the ways it should).  Personal relationships with one other person take a lot of hard work and if anyone says otherwise, then they aren't putting their all into it.

 A relationship is simply this:  an unconditional friendship between two people who genuinely love one another.  They find themselves proud of one another and respect each other as they are equally important to each other.  The love that they share is seen through their actions and a relationship can then strive.  More than just a friendship, it's everlasting.

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