Just like half of the U.S., we've been blizzard'd (totally not a word) and its kept me from work and school all week. I guess I can't really complain, except I NEED the money. We're supposed to be getting more snow tomorrow, Sunday, Monday, and Wednesday, too.
So, I dyed my hair the other night. I bought the dye at Sally's Beauty and I bought 'very light blonde'. Well...after applying the dye and washing it out, I actually lost blonde and the dye took me back to my complete natural hair color. I guess it's a sign to stay this way for a while; we'll see how well I can do that!
Here's what it looks like:
Alrighty, I'm tired and must get some sleep. Sorry for such a lame and boring post, I will do better next time! :)
I think that color looks good. It's a good winter look.