My life has been super busy lately. I am no longer a customer relations agent for Walmart, but an agent for Private Brands instead. I'm excited to be learning more about the company and expanding my education as a whole. It'll really help me I believe. I've been training for the position for about two weeks now from 7:30am-4:00pm Monday-Friday, so by the time I get out of work, I go straight home to enjoy an evening with Mr. Handsome. I get the weekends off and all to myself, which is absolutely wonderful. I'm in love with it to be honest, and it's a nice challenge.
Tyler is trying to be released from the Reserve as his contract is up, and he is then going to go Active, which I am very excited for him about. It's where his heart is set, and though I know it will be super tough (you military ladies are so strong for doing what you do), I know it'll all be worth it and I support him 100%.
This past weekend Tyler and I went to the River and kayaked for six miles. It was crazy fun and I got a pretty good tan. We went with one of my friends and one of his friends. The two didn't know each other, but they got along really well, so it wasn't awkward. lol Thank goodness. Afterwards, we went to dinner and then filed a police report...haha. Tyler's car got hit by an intoxicated driver the night prior. The fucker knew he did it and when we tried to call him to work things out, was completely and totally ignorant about the whole thing. The police spoke with him on the phone, but he was shady with them and wouldn't give them any of his information. I really do hate the cops here. They act like they are the shit, but when it really comes down to it, they dont' do ANYTHING! They knew this guy was in the wrong, but they blew it off and didn't continue any kind of search for him (even though he was completely unwilling with them). BLAH!
My teeth are moving pretty quickly! And you have no idea how much this excites me. :p I can't wait for them to be beautiful!
With the thought of moving to North Carolina, there is something I definitely want to do once I get there. I saw Lady (over at NoModelLady) promoting the Pin-up CherryBlossom photography and I want to do a shoot SOOOOO BAD! I have always wanted to do a pin-up shoot, and I think Tyler would enjoy it, as well. I think I'll wait until I get the braces off of course. :p
With a photoshoot in mind, that reminds me! I've been working out, running, and watching what I put in my body and it's been working!! YAY! I'm down to about 124 and just really trying to tone up a bit.
I'm really going to try to keep updating, but it's quite difficult being so busy all of the until next time!
Sounds like you have been a busy gal! Best wishes with everything!