Saturday, March 5, 2011

I'm Here!!!!

I've been slacking...I really, really have. I've been on here and have kept up with everyone else but have failed to update my life...but I have good reasoning... too much work and school meaning I'm hardly EVER home! Whenever I do find the sparest of my time, I don't really like to be home...but instead... I love driving around aimlessly listening to music. Unfortunately, I believe soon I'm going to have to find a new hobby since gas is so damn expensive. Speaking of which, I've been thinking about trading in my adorable little Jeep for a Prius. I'm not in love with them, but if they save me a lot of money on gas, it may just be worth it. I'll let you know when that decision is made.

Oh yeah! I don't think I've mentioned it on here, but Tyler and I really want to go to the Grand Canyon this Summer and hike it for a few days. We just recently submitted our trip plan to them and a few days ago received notification that we are approved! As of now, we will be in the Canyon on May 17, 18, 19, and 20! We are so excited...and I'm a little nervous. Since Tyler is all 'hooah' about the Army and staying in good shape, he's been rucking a lot lately and I've decided that I need to start doing it with him because I'm going to have to carry a 40+lbs ruck. Quite honestly, I'm not there yet so this will be good training; plus I need to get bikini ready anyway because after the Grand Canyon is CALIFORNIA! Oh man, I am so so pumped!

Alright, anyway. In other news. Here's another topic I'm estatic about: dental hygiene. Mine, more importantly. Okay, so judge me if you want, but up until last Tuesday I had never been to a dentist. Not because I didn't want to, but because my mom never took me to one. I guess she never found it ... important? Believe me, I wanted to badly. I recently just got dental insurance with Walmart because ultimately, I want straight more crowding please! Of course, before you can get braces or anything of that sort, you need to see a dentist. So, I went and amazingly, out of my 20 years of living, I only have one cavity!!!!!! I am pretty anal about my teeth though, so thank goodness for that. I am getting it filled on 3/22, but on 3/16 I have to go see an oral surgeon to schedule an appt to get my wisdom teeth out 0_0
They have been slowly making their way in and need to come out before I get braces or invisalign. Also, I'm pretty sure I'm also going to to have my jaw broken and reset. I have a terrible overbite and I've been told this by an orthodontist before (been to them, but not the dentist...weird I know, right?). I would hope that this surgery would help with not only my TMJ, but also my migraines.
Doing all of this makes me feel even more like an adult because instead of having mommy pay for it like most do, (and I am in no way insulting anyone as I wish I could have had that help)I'm going to be paying for it all out of my pocket. It's going to be tough to pay for, but I want to do this so smile is a huge insecurity of mine. I'm just glad that my teeth are healthy and that we can start on this sooner rather than later.

And for the last topic: Fashion. I love it. I love dressing up and looking pretty in cute heels and pretty tops, but I never have the drive to put things together. I know how to dress up and I can do it well, but I never do. I'm not saying I dress like a slob, but I'm saying I wanna look like freakin hot stuff! :P If any of ya'll have any fashion advice, throw it over here! I'm going to start posting pictures of all of the outfits that I throw together that I feel are worth of showing. Let me know what you think! To end, here are some pictures that I've taken lately!

haha, the unexpecting camera slore!

This is our "Army closet". However, most of the time, we have an "Army floor".

I love this picture of us :) I just love him so much! :P

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