Sunday, October 16, 2011

I love couch.

I finally got a new couch! ...and it DOESN'T require a couch cover that I constantly have to tuck under and between pillows! It's also not black, which means when my kittens are having shedding issues, it's not as apparent. ANDDDDDDDD, since it's microfiber, it's pretty much stain free!!! I COULDN'T BE HAPPIER WITH IT! I feel like it's home :)

The pillows I got for it...

and the couch! The sconces and candles on them have the mocha color from the couch and the purple from the pillows :D

Monday, October 10, 2011

What I Want

I want a special day for me. I want to have a day devoted to me, because honestly, I damn well deserve it.

There's one (technically two if you count your birthday) that I think this could very well be possible... but still, I know I'm not going to have this "me..., you're awesome...., you're the greatest...., I want you to know how much I love you...." day because, well....I just know I'm not. Is there a special occasion of which this could take place? Absolutely.

Am I sounding super selfish and spoiled right now? No, I don't think so. I think spending time and devoting a day to the ones you love equally is needed, especially at least once a year, and especially after you didn't get any special treatment last year either.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

fast pace

I can't believe how fast time is zooming by! This month is mine and Tyler's anniversary and it's also my birthday. I'm in school (and it's highly stressful) and I'm still working. I'm looking for a new job though...I can't listen to people complain 40 hours a week any longer.

Tyler leaves me in March. That is so much sooner than I thought, and I'm getting a little nervous. I'm not sure how to lay my thoughts down about it yet, but once I figure it out, I'll share those with ya'll. I do know, though, that this means that I will most likely be at Ft. Bragg in about a year or less! It will be my first base, if we even live on base, and I'm also nervous about that. Any advice is very much appreciated!

I thought I would share some photos from our camping trip we took last weekend!

LOVE; Alicia.